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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Alguns palestrantes que eu tive a oportunidade de assistir hoje


Abaixo os palestrantes que eu tive a oportunidade de assistir hoje.

Simon Ritter

Simon Ritter,

Simon Ritter specialises in looking at emerging technologies including grid computing, RFID, wireless sensor networks, robotics and wearable computing. Simon has been in the IT business since 1984 and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Brunel University in the U.K.Originally working in the area of UNIX development for AT&T UNIX System Labs and then Novell, Simon joined Sun in 1996 and started working with Java technology; he has spent time doing both Java development and consultancy.

Sang Shin

Sang Shin,

Sang Shin is presently working as a Java Technology Architect, Consultant, and Evangelist in Sun Microsystems. He frequently gives talks on various Java technologies such as Java EE (formerly J2EE), Java SE, Java ME, and Web application frameworks and Web services and SOA technologies to worldwide developer audience. Whenever he finds time, he also teaches software engineering courses in Brandeis university in Massachusetts. He currently teaches "J2EE programming (with Passion!)", "Ajax programming (with Passion!)", "Web services and SOA programming", and "Ruby, JRuby, and Rails Development (with Passion!)" free online courses. These online courses can be taken through

Rafael Vanoni

Rafael Vanoni Polanczyk,

Rafael Vanoni Polanczyk juntou-se a Sun Microsysems como um desenvolvedor do núcleo do Solaris no inicio de 2008, após concluir seu formação em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Ele atualmente trabalha em vários projetos relacionados ao desempenho do escalonador de processos do Solaris e para otimizar a eficiência de energia do sistema operacional.

Rafael tem interesse em assuntos relacionados a programação paralela, concorrência, escalabilidade e gerencia de energia. Ele é um membro ativo de varias comunidades de OpenSolaris, especialmente no Brasil.

Peter Karlsson

Peter Karlsson,

Peter Karlsson is a Solaris Technology Evangelist who works with developers to adopt technologies delivered through the Solaris Operating Environment. Prior to joining the Evangelists, Peter had been working in the North/North-Eastern Europe sales support organization for five years. There he was senior product specialist focusing on Solaris Operating Environment and related technologies. Peter has also worked in the Sun MDE I/O-technologies and solutions, supporting third-party ISV's with device driver development.

James Gosling,

Conhecido mundialmente como "Pai do Java", James Gosling é Bacharel em Ciências da Computação pela Universidade de Calgary, Canadá e Ph.D. em Ciência da Computação pela Carnegie-Mellon University, quando defendeu sua tese entitulada "A Manipulação Algébrica das Restrições". Construiu sistemas de aquisição de dados via satélite, uma versão multiprocessador do Unix, vários compiladores, sistemas de email e gerenciadores de janela. Ele também desenvolveu o editor de texto WYSIWYG, um editor de desenhos restritos e um editor de texto chamado 'Emacs' para sistemas Unix. Na Sun, começou como engenheiro líder do sistema de janelas NeWS. Foi ele que fez o design original da linguagem de programação Java e implementou o seu primeiro compilador e máquina virtual. Em fevereiro de 2007, James foi nomeado um oficial da Ordem do Canadá.

Angela Caicedo

Angela Caicedo,

Angela Caicedo is a Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems. Angela's expertise includes: Java ME, Java SE, Java EE, and the entire Sun Java Enterprise System. She loves spending time in new and cool technologies like: Game developments, 3D, bluetooth, smartdust (Sun' SPOTs), and others. She has also presented these topics at developer conferences around the world. Angela graduated from the University EAFIT of Medellin Colombia in 1998 with a B.S. in Computer Science. During 1996-1997 Angela was a visitor student at Center for Educational Computing Initiatives at MIT. Prior to joining Sun, Angela worked for three years as a software developer and researcher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), in Lausanne Switzerland, and participated in several European Projects. Angela has also done research on Intelligent Agents which is one of her specialties.

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