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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Vaga para estagiário de BI e Analista de BI Jr. na IT4biz

Estamos precisando de estagiário de BI e Analista de BI Jr. na IT4biz, interessados por favor enviar currículo em pdf para A vaga é para São Paulo.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

VisualCue you should see what they are doing...

Some days ago I talked with Daniel Amato and Kerry Gilger about VisualCue in Brazil at their office in São Paulo.

So, I am here in Orlando and today I had lunch at Pentaho World 2014 with Daniel Amato and Kerry Gilger, CEO of VisualCue and they presented me a lot of great things about VisualCue, you guys should see their product.

The idea is simple your eyes can process/understand data faster than you can read it, so why not to create some pretty nice dashboards to help our BI users understand better their data?

The Tile

With VisualCue, you are the one in control. No matter what industry, or what role, we make it simple for you to understand your data, and your business. By using the human brain’s ability to capture, process, and understand pictures, VisualCue harnesses the natural ability of representing data with pictures.
It all has to start somewhere, and for us, its starts with the Tile. What may seem like a simple square filled with icons, is actually a powerful and diverse vehicle for understanding your data. The Tile displays huge amounts of data through its ability to simplify multiple data sets into a single icon. We call the icon a Cue, a Visual Cue! These dynamic Cues represent key points of data for the subject being monitored or analyzed. The Cues also speak a universal language, a visual language, which can de understood by anyone. The CEO, the manager, the technician, and your customer.
If you want to know more send me an e-mail.

Skybox Imaging

In today’s connected world, every organization is deeply impacted by events across the globe on a daily basis.  Skybox Imaging was founded on the premise that an ability to better understand these phenomena could fundamentally change the way humanity makes decisions on a daily basis -- increasing the profitability of businesses and improving the welfare of societies worldwide. 

We build satellites, we write code, and we deploy data centers. But at heart Skybox is about unlocking the human story by approaching daily global activity as the world’s largest data science problem. 

We call this Earth Observation 2.0, where satellites are simply sensors and the magic is in harnessing scalable computing and unbounded analytics to find answers to the world’s most important geospatial problems regardless of data source.

At Skybox, technology is a means to an end. We don’t design and build our own systems for fun (though it is). We do it because it gives us the flexibility to address your needs in the way that works best for you and your organization. Our satellites and software are constantly evolving to better serve you. Reach out to tell us what you need. We don’t believe in ‘build it and they will come.’ We do believe in building powerful high performance systems that match the real needs of real customers changing the world on a daily basis.

#PWorld14 Day 2

Hackschooling / I want to be happy / Having the Hacker mindset can change the World

#PWorld14 Day 1 - Weka Training with Mark Hall (Data Mining Architect)

#PWorld14 Day 1 - Weka Training with Mark Hall (Data Mining Architect)