Ainda me lembro de quando começei a trabalhar com o Pentaho, era praticamente impossível encontrar documentação sobre a ferramenta mesmo em inglês.
As coisas estão mudando, acredito que todos devem se lembrar que em 28 de Outubro de 2009 começei a ler e fazer um review do livro Pentaho Reporting 3.5 for Java Developers escrito por Will Gorman. Agora alguns meses depois fui convidado pela editora a fazer novamente o review para um novo lançamento chamado Pentaho 3.2 Data Integration: Beginner's Guide book.
A cada dia fico mais animado com a maturidade da Suite Pentaho e com o passar do tempo temos desenvolvido coisas mais bacanas com a ferramenta e tenho visto cada vez mais empresas utilizando o Pentaho no Mundo.
Também fico bastante feliz em ajudar meus alunos durante os cursos que ministro, e muitos ex-alunos estão fazendo um excelente trabalho com a ferramenta.
Dedico esse post a todas as pessoas que utilizam o Kettle (PDI) e precisam de um livro de apoio.
Abaixo um pouco de informação em inglês sobre a autora María Carina Roldán.
María Carina was born in a small town in the Patagonia region in Argentina. She earned her Bachelor degree in Computer Science at UNLP in La Plata and then moved to Buenos Aires where she has lived since 1994 working in IT.
She has been working as a BI consultant for the last 10 years. At the beginning she worked with Cognos suite. However, over the last three years, she has been dedicated, full time, to developing Pentaho BI solutions both for local and several Latin-American companies, as well as for a French automotive company in the last months.
She is also an active contributor to the Pentaho community.
At present, she lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with her husband Adrián and children Camila and Nicolás.
Informações sobre o livro:
Overview of Pentaho 3.2 Data Integration: Beginner's Guide
- Get started with Pentaho Data Integration from scratch.
- Enrich your data transformation operations by embedding Java and JavaScript code in PDI transformations.
- Create a simple but complete Datamart Project that will cover all key features of PDI.
- Part of Packt's Beginner's Guide series: Each task gradually develops from the previous task with an organized sequence of instructions accompanied with relevant explanation and a set of challenging tasks that the reader will be able to accomplish.
Chapter 1: Getting started with Pentaho Data Integration
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Transformations
Chapter 3: Basic data manipulation
Chapter 4: Controlling the Flow of Data
Chapter 5: Transforming Your Data with JavaScript Code and the JavaScript Step
Chapter 6: Transforming the Row Set
Chapter 7: Validating Data and Handling Errors
Chapter 8: Working with Databases
Chapter 9: Performing Advanced Operations with Databases
Chapter 10: Creating Basic Task Flows
Chapter 11: Creating Advanced Transformations and Jobs
Chapter 12: Developing and Implementing a Simple Datamart
Chapter 13: Taking it Further
Appendix A: Working with Repositories
Appendix B: Pan and Kitchen: Launching Transformations and Jobs from the Command Line
Appendix C: Quick Reference: Steps and Job Entries
Appendix D: Spoon Shortcuts
Appendix E: Introducing PDI 4 Features
Appendix F: Pop Quiz Answers
Clique aqui para saber mais sobre o livro.
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