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Thursday, July 24, 2014

MDX History

MDX was first introduced as part of the OLE DB for OLAP specification in 1997 from Microsoft. It was invented by the group of SQL Server engineers including Mosha Pasumansky. The specification was quickly followed by commercial release of Microsoft OLAP Services 7.0 in 1998 and later by Microsoft Analysis Services. The latest version of the OLE DB for OLAP specification was issued by Microsoft in 1999.

While it was not an open standard, but rather a Microsoft-owned specification, it was adopted by the wide range of OLAP vendors. This included both vendors on the server side such as Applix, icCube, MicroStrategy, NCR, Pentaho, Oracle Corporation, SAS, SAP, Teradata, Symphony Teleca, and vendors on the client side such as Panorama Software, Pentaho, PowerOLAP, XLCubed, Proclarity, AppSource, Jaspersoft, Cognos, Business Objects, Brio Technology, Crystal Reports, Microsoft Excel, Tagetik, and Microsoft Reporting Services.

With the invention of XML for Analysis, which standardized MDX as a query language, even more companies - such as Hyperion Solutions - began supporting MDX.

The XML for Analysis specification referred back to the OLE DB for OLAP specification for details on the MDX Query Language. In Analysis Services 2005, Microsoft has added some MDX Query Language extensions like subselects. Products like Microsoft Excel 2007 have started to use these new MDX Query Language extensions. Some refer to this newer variant of MDX as MDX 2005.


Whos is Mosha Pasumansky?
 Mosha Pasumansky is one of the inventors of the MultiDimensional eXpressions (MDX) language, a query language for online analytical processing (OLAP) databases. Pasumansky is also one of the architects of the Microsoft Analysis Services, and an OLAP expert.
Mosha Pasumansky is well known in the OLAP community for his Microsoft OLAP information website which contains a collection of technical articles and other resources related to Microsoft OLAP and Analysis Services. He also has a blog dedicated to MDX and Analysis Services. He spoke at Microsoft conferences such as TechEd and PASS, and he published the book Fast Track to MDX.
As of 29 December 2009, Mr. Pasumansky had shifted his focus[1] to Bing, the Microsoft Search Engine, and is no longer maintaining his active stewardship of the BI Community.

His blog:


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